Hi, I’m Amber Malone.

Intuition + Humor.

What I do: Intuitive Energy Artist. Psychic Medium. Comedian.

I’m a “Comedium” (Sounds great in my head).

Welcome home weirdos!

Intuition Tips You Won’t Find Anywhere Else.

Welcome to Down the Slide, a digital sanctuary for the unapologetically

curious where intuition meets dark humor.

We are magnificent weirdos navigating our daily lives with intuitive


Because life is too messy, unpredictable and overwhelming to rely solely on logic.

We take intuition very seriously.

No more second-guessing; we trust our guts even when they lead us

down the darkest alleys.

I’ve cooked up practical intuition hacks and unconventional approaches

to intuition development that you won’t stumble upon anywhere else.

Curious about me and what I offer? Come join me down the rabbit hole.


Spiritual Art: sketchmessage.com

Spiritual Readings: comedyreadings.com

Enough with the small talk.

Subscribe to Down The Slide

For the unapologetically curious where intuition meets humor.


Hey! I'm Amber Malone. Intuitive Energy Artist. Psychic Medium. Comedian. I love dark humor, drawing and deep conversations about the aliens in Las Vegas.